January 2022

RYDA Newsletter            01/2022

Happy New Year to you. We hope it will be a happy and more importantly, healthy one.

The new variant of Covid is a worrying one, so stay safe. - Medical science has moved on over the years and we are so lucky to live in an age where we can be vaccinated against most devastating illnesses. There could even be a blood test for cancer on the way soon.

Our ancestors were not so lucky. Not so long ago polio was a big problem, and many families were affected by this; Who remembers the polio vaccine being put on a sugar cube? It is now rarely heard of. Who is aware of these past world wide pandemics? (we have taken you back to the black death, but there were many pandemics prior to this.)

  • Covid 2019 - on going


  • Ebola 2014 – 2016. Ebola ravaged West Africa between 2014 and 2016, with 28,600 reported cases and 11,325 deaths.
  • The Swine Flu Pandemic 2009 – 2010 The 2009 flu pandemic primarily affected children and young adults, and 80% of the deaths were in people younger than 65. A vaccine for the H1N1 virus that caused the swine flu is now included in the annual flu vaccine. 
  • Aids Pandemic 1981 to present day. AIDS has claimed an estimated 35 million lives since it was first identified. The virus made its way around the world, and AIDS was a pandemic by the late 20th century. For decades, the disease had no known cure, but medication developed in the 1990s now allows people with the disease to experience a normal life span with regular treatment. Even more encouraging, two people have beencured of HIV as of early 2020.


  • Asian Flu 1957 – 1958 The Asian Flu pandemic was another global showing for influenza. With its roots in China, the disease claimed more than 1 million lives. The virus that caused the pandemic was a blend of avian flu viruses.