Even though British English is often considered the “standard” form of the language, it has its own brand of funny British phrases and unique British idioms. While some of these British colloquial phrases evolved over the centuries, others were added to the common vernacular quite recently. Here is the final look at phrases in use.
Three Sheets To The Wind; To be "three sheets to the wind" means to be drunk. This phrase comes from the nautical practice of using sheets (a type of rope), to control a sail. If a sailor let the sheets get loose or tangled, the sail would flap wildly and the ship would wallow and lurch around, similar to a drunken sailor.
In The Offing; "In the offing" means in the near future or in sight. This term originates from a maritime background where a ship that was visible in the distance but not yet close enough to make out its details was referred to as “in the offing”. New Year is in “the Offing”, and the RYDA committee wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year; and that 2025 will be…..
Batten Down The Hatches; To "batten down the hatches" is to prepare for a storm or other difficult situation. This phrase originated from the practice of securing a ship’s hatches with a cover edged with wooden strips, known as battens to keep water from entering the ship during rough seas.
Keel Over; To "keel over" means to collapse or tip over. The keel of a ship is a long beam running along the bottom of the ship that provides stability. If a ship were to "keel over," it would tip over on its side, often as a result of running aground. It also refers to falling over from excess alcohol. Be careful not to “keel over” at Christmas parties.
Tickety-boo! “Tickety-boo” is another way to say “good” or “fine.” It is one of many funny British phrases that are more popular among older British generations. Nonetheless, it can still be heard throughout much of London and the rest of the country. “Tickety-boo” has been around since the early 20th century and is believed to have come from a Hindi phrase meaning, “It’s all right, sir.”
This is not within our area, however, it affects us all. Love it or hate it, Sherford is here to stay. However it has created a Country park.
Sherford’s Country Park quadruples in size as gates open on massive expansion.
A huge new section of Sherford's Country Park has been created and is now open to the public.
The extensive green space now covers 92 acres of land and more than quadruples the size of Sherford's previous Country Park.
Work has taken place to make the park easy to access and a joy to visit, including an accessible new entrance, over two kilometres of new paths, ponds, wildflower meadows, woodlands and more.
The Country Park still has room to grow and will eventually span more than 500 acres, and will integrate into the town through wide planted corridors that sweep into the development.
Read more here.
Help build a health service fit for the future in Devon.
The NHS in Devon is encouraging local people and communities to share their experiences of our health service to help shape the government’s 10 Year Health Plan and local NHS improvements in Devon.
Whether you have a little to say or a lot, your views, experiences and ideas will shape immediate steps and long-term changes. This is a once in a generation opportunity to make the NHS fit for the future. We need your voice.
For more information and to share your views in the survey, visit the One Devon website.
If you aren’t able to fill in the survey online, please call Healthwatch on 0800 520 0640 who can complete it for you over the phone.
Are you missing out on Pension Credit?
The Government is encouraging pensioners to check if they qualify for pension credit, and if so, to apply for it in order to receive the winter fuel payment, and other benefits. You'll need to apply by Saturday 21 December to get the winter fuel payment though, as that's the final date for making a backdated claim for pension credit.
Pension Credit tops up your weekly income to £218.15 if you’re single; or your joint weekly income to £332.95 if you have a partner.
You can apply for Pension Credit up to four months before you reach State Pension age, or any time after you reach State Pension age, but your application can only be backdated by three months.
You can apply online, over the telephone, or by post. To find out if you are eligible for Pension Credit, visit the Government’s website.
In reply to a question in last month’s newsletter we had this reply, which we have the writers permission to print, which you might find of interest.
“You asked for thoughts on the current glut of properties on the market and new build proposals. For what they are worth, my thoughts follow.
The current glut of properties on the market was predictable given:
My 40 years of watching the local property market teaches me that it has regular ups and downs – usually driven by the state of the economy. Supply will settle down but probably at somewhat reduced prices. That won’t make them “affordable”, however.
Generally, I expect the market to be quieter and house price inflation (if any) more subdued. There will be fewer super rich people in the market and there are signs that supply is overtaking demand in the medium term.
As far as new builds are concerned, it is my view that our local infrastructure and, perhaps more importantly, the AONB, dictate that no more general house building or affordable house building can/should be accommodated in our Parish.
The Collaton build is the most significant in the last 40 years. It is water under the bridge now. However, it should be remembered (when considering future plans) that it was given planning approval in controversial circumstances.
Basically, my sword is back in its sheath for the moment, but it will reappear if there is any question of moving the development boundary. We should be wary.”
Andrew Matthews
101, Yealm Road, (the old Paint Laboratory) For details click the link: 3953/21/FUL
The Appeal against refusal for erection of 2 family homes and extension of an existing quay has been dismissed. Important reasons given for dismissal include:
We have also received an email from The International Paint Limited Newton Ferrers remediation project team, which reads as follows:-
Please find below the latest update on the proposed voluntarily remediation activity relating to the foreshore sediment at our former paint development site in Newton Ferrers.
We submitted a Marine Licence Application (MLA) to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), under case reference MLA/2023/00454, in October 2023. From March to June 2024, we responded to specific requests and recommendations from the MMO about our MLA. The MMO have since provided us with a draft licence, upon which we have commented. We are now waiting for the final marine licence, which we hope to receive in the coming weeks.
We now anticipate that the earliest remediation activity will take place is after the summer season, in late 2025.
Once we have the necessary clarity on details and timing, we will let you know. We can then schedule an open meeting in the village so that we can update all interested parties on our planned approach.
Briar Hill Farm. 3993/22/FUL
The Appeal against refusal for the expansion of Briar Hill Farm, has been dismissed on a few grounds but chiefly that “An identified and essential need has not been justified”, as required by the Neighbourhood Plan.
Planning Applications
Land adjacent to Highfield, Parsonage Road 3446/24/FUL
Among the Planning Applications this month is an interesting proposal for two new dwellings on Parsonage Road. Situated opposite St Catherine's Park on Parsonage Road, described as “Bungalows”, these two-story, three bedroom, homes are on land for which Permission-in-Principle has been granted.
The original permission envisioned a single access road leading to a service road running at the rear of the properties. However, for reasons of safe visibility splays, this has been found to be impractical. The new proposal now shows three, two car parking bays adjacent to Parsonage Road, one for each new dwelling and one for Highfield, the existing bungalow on the land. Either of the access proposals will require loss of much of the existing hedge.
Of conventional appearance utilising slate roofing, natural stone and rendered walls, the properties will sit about one metre above the road level, so it is important to ensure that no surface water should drain onto Parsonage Road.
Below is an impression of one of the new dwellings, borrowed from the application, for consultation purposes only.
Little Coastguard, Old Coastguard Cottages, Wembury
This application is for refurbishment and extension of a small (2 room) cottage adjacent to the Grade II Listed Old Coastguard Cottages and Boathouse on the Wembury side of the Yealm. The main issue is the size of the extension, the extent of glazing, the impact on the existing small cottages and adjacent listed cottages.
The drawing below is borrowed from the application, for consultation purposes only.
For interest we also attach a photo of the cottages extracted from The Spirit of the Yealm.
Creacombe an exemplar for solar farm planning
Devon County Council is updating its guidance for landscape planning of wind, solar, and battery storage. In the context of solar farm planning, YCE’s Creacombe solar farm was used as a case study for accommodating small-scale solar PV developments in nationally-protected landscapes (National Parks and National Landscapes) and their settings. Particularly commended were:
the use of grade 3b agricultural land,
It is rewarding for all concerned to see one of our solar farms recognised in this way, and underscores the attitude of YCE to all its solar developments.
For those of you who want to look at the guidance, it can be found on the DCC website: https://www.devon.gov.uk/planning/planning-policies/landscape-planning/
1st December Yealm Art Society Pop-up sale WIC hall 9.30 – 4.30pm
1st December 15.00-16.30pm Children’s Magical Christmas Party at the Rose & Crown.
Come and spend a magical afternoon with Emazdad and his magic.
A festive party for children of magic and entertainment. Ticket price includes a meal and drink. £10 per child.
3rd December First Tuesday Christmas lunch
(Bookings only) £12pp 12.00 noon. Please be on time.
Allergies can be catered for.
Please contact Jeanne (872442) New members welcome.
6th December 10.30 – 12.00 noon Digital drop in – The topic is scams. WIC hall
6th December 18.00 Newton Green Christmas Tree lighting & carols
7th December Holy Cross Christmas Fair 2.00- 4.00pm
8th December Spirit of the Regatta Photo exhibition Newton & Noss village hall 2.00pm
10th December WI Winter coffee/craft meeting 2.00pm
12th December Parish Council meeting 19.00 WIC hall
12th December Thursday Lunch Club Christmas lunch.
(Bookings only) £12pp 12.15. Please be on time.
Please contact mrandmrsbarnett@gmail.com
Allergies can be catered for, also vegetarian option available. New members welcome.
13th December Holbeton Film Club are showing “Wonka” 7.00pm for 7.30 £4.00
With dreams of opening a shop in a city renowned for its chocolate, a young and poor Willy Wonka discovers that the industry is run by a cartel of greedy chocolatiers.
13th December 10.30 – 12.00 noon Digital drop in WIC hall – open session for your queries.
14th December U3A Christmas Social. 5.30 – 7.30 members only at Newton & Noss WI Community Hall
15th December RNLI quiz at the ship £2 pp
16th December Stroke Support Group Meeting room WIC hall 10.00-12.00
17th December WI Members Christmas Lunch (bookings only)
£20 contact a committee member. https://www.thewi.online
If you need a lift, a relay of drivers will depart from the WIC hall at 11.50
Please contact Lesley nandnwi@outlook.com or 07838375449
18th December Last gentle exercise class until January 2025 WIC hall 10.00-11.00
4th January, WIC hall. doors open 4pm, screening Van Gogh Poets and Lovers 4.30pm. .
7th January First Tuesday Lunch Club 12.00 prompt please £6pp Allergies can be catered for. Please contact Jeanne (872442) New members welcome. WIC hall.
14th January WI Winter coffee 2.00-4.00 just drop in for coffee and chat. WIC hall.
21st January WI monthly meeting 2.00 – 4.00 the speaker is Rosemary Griggs, Talking about her new book "Devon Women". New members very welcome. To see our diary go to https://www.thewi.online/copy-of-notice-board WIC hall.
28th January WI craft group Knit and natter. Bring your current project or just chat. 2.00-4.00 New members welcome. WIC hall.
There is No Yealm Parchment group meeting this month