October 2024

RYDA Newsletter            10/2024

To complete the sailing season, here are a few more nautical sayings in common use.

Pipe Down; A request or command to be quiet. Ships crews received a variety of signals from the boatswains pipe. One signal was piping down the hammocks, which instructed crews to go below decks and prepare for sleep.

Toe the line; To conform to the policies of the group. Members of the British Navy once were required to stand barefoot and attention for inspection. While at attention they lined up along the seams of the planks of the deck with their toes touching the line.

Loose Cannon; A "loose cannon" refers to a dangerous or unpredictable person or thing that is out of control. In nautical terms; a loose cannon would be a large gun (cannon) mounted on a ship's deck that has come loose from its moorings, rolling around the deck, and posing a danger to the crew and the ship itself.

By and Large; "By and large" is used to mean "in general" or "on the whole." This phrase comes from nautical terminology where it is used to describe the two points of sailing; "by the wind" and "large." To sail "by the wind" is to sail as close to the wind as possible, while to sail "large" is to sail as far from the wind as possible.

Cut and run. To "cut and run" means to make a hasty retreat or to abandon something quickly. In nautical terms, "cutting and running" referred to the practice of cutting the anchor chain / rope and setting sail in a hurry, usually to escape a dangerous situation.

Fathom Out; To "fathom out" something is to understand or figure it out. A fathom is a unit of measurement equal to six feet, used for measuring the depth of water. So, "fathoming out" something means to measure or understand it fully.

Swing the Lead. To "swing the lead" means to feign ignorance or avoid doing something. This phrase comes from the practice of using a lead weight on a line to determine the depth of water. A sailor who was "swinging the lead" would be pretending to take soundings when they were actually avoiding doing their duties.

South Devon AONB Management plan “refresh” 2025-2030

We are starting the process of reviewing our Management Plan which sets out the vision, policies and actions for the management of the National Landscape, helping all those with a responsibility to care for it for current and future generations.  

The current plan has been extended  until  2025 by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, accounting for changes to their preparation.

The “refreshed” plan will continue with our current long-term objectives and policies. We intend to enhance its content regarding nature recovery, climate adaptation and promoting diversity and inclusion. We also need to reflect new legislation and guidance affecting protected landscapes, including our new brand identity. In addition, we will include the government’s new Targets and Outcomes Framework, which helps to focus our activities on delivering objectives defined by the government.

Over the coming months we will be consulting with stakeholders across the area giving all the opportunity to contribute. Click here for further details..


New auditor/inspector needed to check RYDA Accounts each year


For the last eight years Vicki Ingram has very kindly checked the RYDA annual accounts and before that John Wilson for at least a similar period. Unfortunately, Vicki has moved away and so we need a new auditor.

As a registered charity we are required to get the accounts checked by an independent person, annually.

According to Vicki the accounts are simple to check and have always been presented as a complete set of accounts and not just a set of incomplete records requiring guesswork etc!!.

Over the years, our current treasurer, Alan Lomax, who took over as treasurer in 1990 (!), has been gently tutored by both John and Vicki to produce a professional looking set of accounts.

If you think you could help us and would like further information before committing to be auditor, the Treasurer would be only too happy to show you the books.

Contact details......

Alan Lomax Email: al@lomcroft.plus.com Tel: 872444


● Fishy Matters

A reminder to those of us who relish a Yealm Bass, that it should be at least as long as your elbow to fingertip (42cm), cannot be caught from a boat, or with a live sand eel in the river, only two allowed per day, until the close season commencing 1st December.

You may fish from the yealm steps pontoon now.

No fishing or anchoring is allowed in Kitley waters.

If you spot any nets, or illegal fishing in our estuary, please report to IFCA on 07740175479 24hrs.


There are no significant new planning applications this month.  

However there has been a decision on a planning application appeal for 46, The Fairway.  

The appeal for a change of use of garage from incidental use to multi-purpose ancillary use, including as overspill family and self contained guest accommodation including for short term holiday letting, was dismissed.  The main issues under consideration were: 

• whether the appeal site would be a suitable location for the proposal, with specific regard to the Council’s development strategy and tranquillity of the countryside and South Devon National Landscape (previously the South Devon AONB); and

• The effect of the proposal on the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers, with particular regard to noise and disturbance.

Although the Inspector concluded that the impact on neighbouring properties would not be significant, the decision stated that the location is outside the settlement boundary, as outlined within the Newton and Noss Neighbourhood Plan settlement boundary, and as such, it is considered to be within the countryside, but does not respond to a proven agricultural, forestry or other occupational need that would require a countryside location.


Appeal decisions on two other local applications: Briar Hill Farm expansion and 101 Yealm Road (the old Paint Lab) are awaited, though indications are that the decisions are imminent.

Councillors check in on housing progress

Deputy Leader, Cllr Dan Thomas and Lead Member for Housing, Cllr Denise O’Callaghan have visited the award-winning Collaton Park development to check on progress. 

It marks an important milestone in our commitment to deliver more high -quality sustainable housing for the community.

This exciting development will offer 125 new energy-efficient homes with a mix of social rent, lower cost and open market houses, as well as self-build plots and properties for the over 55’s.

Eighteen of the affordable homes will be available through Newton and Noss Community Land Trust, strengthening our work with communities to deliver more homes where needed most.

Find out more

Whats On?

1st October 12.00 noon First Tuesday Lunch Club 12.00 £6 for 2 courses plus tea or coffee. Newton Ferrers Community Hall. Allergies can be catered for. Please contact Jeanne (872442)  New members welcome.


2nd October Forage Walk Yealm Bridge 10.00-12.00


3rd October N&N Bridge club Advanced Seminar with Jane Wain

4th October Digital Drop-in WI Community Hall 10.30 – 12.00 noon

Changes to BT landlines


Starting from 04/10/24 Tubbs Pharmacy will be rolling out the Flu and Winter Covid vaccinations.

If you would like to book in, please call on 01752 872280 or pop in and make a booking in the shop.


6th October St Peter Revelstoke Open Afternoon 2.00pm


8th October 2.00-4.00pm WI Winter Coffee meeting

11th October Holbeton Film Club Anatomy of a fall 7.00 for 7.30pm.

For the past year, Sandra, her husband Samuel, and their eleven-year-old son Daniel have lived a secluded life in a remote town in the French Alps.

When Samuel is found dead in the snow below their chalet, the police question whether he was murdered or committed suicide. Samuel's suspicious death is presumed murder, and Sandra becomes the main suspect.

What follows is not just an investigation into the circumstances of Samuel's death but an unsettling psychological journey into the depths of Sandra and Samuel's conflicted relationship.

11th October Digital Drop-in WI Community Hall 10.30 – 12.00 noon

Music Streaming  - free and subscription.

Sold Out


12th October Woodland Walk – Wembury Barton Farm 2.00 free of charge.

Discover more about the National Trust Ranger team woodland management work at Wembury. Book here it is essential. Suitable for children over 12 IF WITH AN ADULT. Wear sturdy shoes and layers to keep you warm. Please note the ground is uneven and steep, and there is no access to toilets

Meet at Wembury Barton Farm PL9 0EE ten minutes before walk starts.



Sunday 13th October 2.00pm

The South Hams Singers Present


15th October  N&N WI talk “How to become a Mayor” with Mark Chapman 2.00-4.00pm Note new time

18th October Digital Drop-in WI Community Hall 10.30 -12.00 noon.

What happens to on-line accounts when you "drop off the perch"?



21st October Stroke support group WIC hall meeting room 10.00-12.00

22nd October 2.00-4.00pm WI Craft Group.

Ladies of the WI, and within our communities, have been busy, knitting, crocheting and sewing poppies.

Bring your poppies to our craft afternoon and tie them onto our ever growing display for outside the WIC hall. Enjoy a cup of tea and biscuit while you are there.

24th October Thursday Lunch Club. 12.15 Thursday Lunch Club Newton & Noss village Hall. (The tide will be going out) Please contact mrandmrsbarnett@gmail.com Allergies can be catered for, also vegetarian option available. New members welcome.

25th October Digital Drop-in WI Community Hall 10.30 -12.00 noon.

Applle i watches & other makes

25th October  2.00-4.00pm Yealm Parchment Group meet in the WIC hall.

We will be using coloured parchment. Contact Lesley 07838375449 If you would like more information or to borrow tools.

Classes £8 and include tuition, Pattern, backing paper, brads etc.

27th October Clocks go back  1 hour

28th October Yealm Friendly Parishes craft group meet at Yealmpton Methodist Church 10.00-12.00

29th October Yealm Garden Society AGM talk by Saul Walker – “My time as a Chelsea Flower Show Manager” WIC hall 7.30pm

29th October Sip & Pimp your Pumpkin at Rose and Crown Yealmpton.

Join us for a an evening of fizz, mulled cider and decorating pumpkins with decoupage.

We will provide all you need to make a floral, autumnal masterpiece for your home whilst enjoying a glass of bubbles or warming cider.

Tickets cost £15. Book direct with the pub to secure your place.

Save the Date

5th November 12.00 noon  First Tuesday Lunch Club  £6 for 2 courses plus tea or coffee. Newton Ferrers Community Hall. Allergies can be catered for. Please contact Jeanne (872442) New members welcome.

22nd November  19.00 Yealm Gig Rowing Club AGM at Newton & Noss Village Hall

28th November Thursday Lunch Club. 12.15 Thursday Lunch Club Newton & Noss village Hall. (The tide will be coming in - high water at 15.46) Please contact mrandmrsbarnett@gmail.com Allergies can be catered for, also vegetarian option available. New members welcome.

1st December 15.00-16.30pm Childrens Magical Christmas Party at the Rose & Crown.

Come and spend a magical afternoon with Emazdad and his magic.

A festive party for children of magic and entertainment. Ticket price includes a meal and drink. £10 per child.

2nd December Wreath Making at The Rosie. 7-9pm £55.00

Join us for a fun evening to create a beautiful wreath and enjoy fabulous refreshments!  Book here

11th December Christmas Wreath making at the Ship Inn 19.00  £45 book here