January 2025

RYDA Newsletter            01/2025

Hello and welcome to another New Year. It feels as though I said that to 2024 not long ago; time marches faster the older you get.

This year I thought we would take a look at nature for our lead item. “There isn’t much this time of year”, I hear you say; - I’m sorry, but you are wrong.


You may think that there are no insects around in January but look carefully and you can see swarms of winter gnats on windless days. There are in fact ten different species of these in the UK, and the swarms are their mating dance, which they have evolved to do so at this time of year to avoid predators. If you look at them under magnification they are like miniature crane flies or mayflies.

If you turn over a rotting log in woodland you might also be surprised to see woodlice or spiders. These are inactive in winter, but not actually hibernating, a term which only applies to mammals. Instead, what the insects are doing is "diapausing": they shut off their metabolism entirely, though if they are disturbed it instantly starts up again.

Flies do the same and very occasionally make an appearance on sunny days, and the same is also true of bumble bee queens. The bee species you are most likely to see in January is a honeybee. They live in hives all winter feeding on the honey they made in the summer, but may emerge in January in surprising numbers if there is a food source - for example a winter flowering cherry tree in a garden.

Peacock, small tortoiseshell, brimstone and comma butterflies also diapause as adults, waiting to breed in spring. Second World War pillboxes and garden sheds are apparently popular spots for peacocks and small tortoiseshells, while brimstones hide among bramble leaves. Very occasionally you might see one on the wing on a mild day, but the butterfly you are most likely to see - rather surprisingly - is a red admiral. They should not be here at all at this time of year, since they are a late spring and summer migratory species, but some do seem to hang around, and now and then one gets tempted out by sunny weather. There is no evidence that they go on to breed in spring, but it is just possible that they do, and they may well become another diapausing species in due course.

Insects also overwinter as eggs, larvae or pupae, or in the shape of one fertilised queen (as with bumble bees and wasps). Every species has to have some strategy to get through the cold months and populate the world anew in spring and summer.


If you see squirrels chasing each other around a tree trunk in January, it is part of their mating ritual.

Notice that ewes in fields are now getting a bit chubby, as they prepare to give birth to spring lambs.

Our Thanks are due to the woodland trust who manage the neighbouring Newton Wood, for replacing the steep steps in Newton Wood with a more gentle contoured path.
We would like to thank our regular work party attendees and to encourage others to come forward in future by notifying DICK PAGE, telephone number (01752) 872344
Peter Hall, chairman, court woodland trust.

February’s RYDA newsletter will be emailed to you as your writer is going on holiday, and it will be completed by another committee member. It will be put on the internet when your author returns.

Please continue to e mail events and they will be  forwarded on.

Court Woodland

We have had one very useful work party since the spring on Saturday, November 30 when several path edges were repaired, the chicken wire to the Stembridge step was replaced, Holly and  Sycamore saplings were cut back, and leaves were cleared from the steps on the main path. We shall hold a further work party in the early spring to check on the newly planted trees, to thin the Sycamore trees and clear the invasive plant yellow archangel for which we are taking advice.

We would like to thank Peter Brown for service on the committee following his resignation.

We welcome Jon Stacey, our contact with Woodland trust to the committee in his place.




The Parish Council is the statutory authority with responsibility for representing the views of the entire local community regarding planning applications. However, the RYDA can play an important part by having an independent voice with which we can represent our members.

You will be familiar that we use our Newsletters to draw your attention to any planning application that we think might be controversial or raise significant planning issues. For these we will always give you the application reference number so that you can look at the full application online by at http://apps.southhams.gov.uk/PlanningSearchMVC/.

We ask for your comments and use these to inform our decision whether we wish to comment to SHDC on the application and, if so, how. We do therefore find your responses to be very important.

However, if we (the RYDA) do comment to SHDC it only counts as a single comment no matter how many responses we have had from you and been incorporated into our response.

It is therefore ESSENTIAL that you comment directly to SHDC if you feel particularly strongly about an application, whether you support it or object to it. We would also encourage you to copy your comments to both ourselves and the Parish Council so that they can be properly taken into account in those responses.

Finally, it is probably worth being reminded what are valid comments as SHDC can only take material planning considerations into account. 

The following list is not exhaustive but it gives an idea of the sort of things that would be classed as a material planning consideration:

  • Car parking provision
  • Design, including appearance, layout, scale, density and materials
  • Highway safety issues and/or traffic generation
  • Impact on important trees
  • Impact on the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or Listed Building
  • Local drainage or flooding issues
  • Planning policies and guidance
  • Loss of important open spaces or community facilities
  • Noise disturbance, smells, obtrusive lighting or other impacts on amenity
  • Over-dominance, overshadowing and loss of light
  • Proposed landscaping
  • The planning history of the site


Comments that are not material planning considerations will not be taken into account no matter how strongly they are felt. Examples of what is not considered to be a material planning consideration could be:

  • Loss of value to your property
  • Loss of a view
  • Boundary and neighbour disputes
  • Impact on private drainage systems
  • Inappropriate or personal comments
  • Breach of covenant

Whats On?

Holbeton Players is a thriving drama group that presents several productions each year, usually in the village hall, but also in the local church and other venues.
The membership is mainly drawn from the parish, but members from other local villages are also very welcome.
The Players are very ambitious in their projects and their productions cover a wide range of drama and performance, from comedies, pantomimes, serious plays and concerts to Shakespeare in All Saints Church.
We present many shows that involve children and are always looking for new members to act, direct or help backstage.
If you are interested in joining us, want more information, or want to know where to buy tickets for any of our productions, please contact: Contact Clare Hollett (chair), 01752 830361 clare.diva@btinternet.com
Zoe Purkis  01752 830246 zoepurkis@hotmail.com

Try something new this year. We are so lucky there is lots on around our villages.

Yealm Art Society’ Committee works hard each year to offer a wide variety of talks, demonstrations, workshops and weekly ‘paint together’ sessions. We are always grateful to receive suggestions from members for inclusion to the programme.

The majority of our events are concentrated in Spring and Autumn. We usually take a break from July through to Sept as we find many members are away at that time. https://www.yealmartsociety.com/programme/

Yealmpton & Brixton Community Friendship Project – helping everyone feel part of our communities

Would you like some company or to make new friends? Why not join us? If we can help you, please call 07841 066921 or email communityfriendship@yealmpton.org

This project is open to people in Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo and other areas in our parish.

We offer:-

  • Befriending for people who are housebound or feel isolated and would like some companionship
  • Information about local activities and support groups
  • A weekly coffee morning
  • Information about help with transport so that everyone can join in

Our project relies entirely on volunteers. Could you spare a little amount of time to become a befriender? There is no need to offer a set time commitment. Support and training will be provided.

Dementia Friendly Parishes around the Yealm is a unique charity set up by local people in 2012.  We became the first organisation in the country to unite five parish councils in a pledge to make a difference. We:-

  • Support and improve the lives of people living with dementia and their families.
  • Enable people with dementia to remain active and involved in community life.
  • We work with local groups and organisations to develop and support inclusive dementia friendly activities.
  • Raise awareness and understanding of dementia both locally and nationally.
  • Remain with the family throughout their journey


Our groups and activities are open to everyone – not just for people living with dementia. Taking part brings benefits to everyone. https://www.dementiayealm.org/whats_on/

The WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK. It plays a unique role in enabling women to develop new skills and gives them opportunities to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.

We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month for our main meeting with interesting and informative speakers. We also have a craft group, Choir, a winter coffee group and a book group. We have monthly visits to places of interest in the warmer weather, and occasional lunches in the winter, & we support our members through illness and life’s trials with emotional and practical help. New members are always welcome. https://www.thewi.online/

There is a Bereavement group that meet at the Methodist Church in Yealmpton every 2 weeks on a Tuesday from 14:30-16:00.

There is also a new Carer's Support Group that has recently started at the same location that meet on the 1st Friday of the month from 14:00-15:00.

They are not religious groups; it is just a convenient location. If you would like more information before attending, please contact Yealm Medical Centre Reception.

4th January, A special screening from Seventh Arts Productions (SAP) who specialise in Art, Music and History films.

The Van Gogh - Poets and Lovers Exhibition on Screen will be shown  in the WI Community Hall.

Doors open at 16.00 hrs and the film will begin at 16.30hrs.

Tickets will be available from Ticket source only, at a cost of £10. Click here to go direct to Booking.

7th January  First Tuesday Lunch Club 12.00 prompt please £6pp.  Allergies can be catered for. Please contact Jeanne (872442) New members welcome. WIC hall.

4th January 10.00 Brookings Down Woodland working party


7th January Parish Council Surgery 10.00 – 12.00 in the Post Office

Holbeton Film Club

January’s film is Baltimore (certificate 15).

Have you ever wondered about the heiress and debutante Rose Dugdale, who enjoyed a life of privilege and whose rebellious nature led her down a militant path? Her sympathy towards the IRA culminated in an armed raid on an Irish estate.

This is showing on Saturday the 11th January 2025 in Holbeton Village Hall. Doors open 7pm. The programme starts at 7:30pm. Tickets on the door still only £4 (cash only). Ice creams will be on sale for £1.

21st January WI monthly meeting 2.00 – 4.00 the speaker is Rosemary Griggs, Talking about her new book Devon Women. New members very welcome. To see our diary go to https://www.thewi.online/copy-of-notice-board WIC hall.

24th January Digital Drop-In  On line Booking Systems 10.30-11.45 WIC Hall

25th January Yealm Art Society – Portrait and tone workshop. YCC 10.00-4.00pm

11th January 10.30-13.30 £5 (first visit free) Accessible Bowls WIC Hall

14th January WI Winter coffee 2.00-4.00 just drop in for coffee and chat. WIC hall.

17th January Digital Drop-In  “Libby” (on line library) 10.30-11.45 WIC Hall

18th January 10.30-13.30 Boccia £5 (first visit free) WIC Hall

27th January Thursday Lunch Cub Noss Mayo 12.15 £6pp. Please contact mrandmrsbarnett@gmail.com Allergies can be catered for, also vegetarian option available. New members welcome.

28th January – Yealm Garden Society 7:30pm start

WI Hall Newton Ferrers

Ben Candlin – UK Subtropical Gardening. In this talk Ben takes a look at the history of Exotic Garden Style, from its Victorian origins through to the present day, before exploring a variety of plants and practical planting ideas that can be used to create a subtropical or exotic effect in our own gardens.

28th January WI craft group Knit and natter. Bring your current project or just chat. 2.00-4.00 New members welcome. WIC hall.

There is No Yealm parchment group this month.

31st January, A special screening from Seventh Arts Productions (SAP) who specialise in Art, Music and History films.

The Van Gogh - Poets and Lovers Exhibition on Screen will be shown on Saturday 4th January 2025 in the WI Community Hall.

Doors open at 16.00 hrs and the film will begin at 16.30hrs.

Tickets will be available from Ticket source only, at a cost of £10. Click here to go direct to Booking.

31st January Digital Drop-In  Open session for your questions 10.30-11.45 WIC Hall

Save the Date

1st February 10.00 Brookings Down Woodland working party.

4th February First Tuesday Lunch Club 12.00 prompt please £6pp Allergies can be catered for. Please contact Jeanne (872442) New members welcome. WIC hall.

11th February WI Monthly meeting Note change of Date

The speaker is Lily Style. She lives in South Brent as is a descendent of Admiral Nelson and Lady Hamilton.  She will talk about her family tree. 14.00-16.00

12th February Yealm Environment Group Yealm Yacht Club 8.00pm

14th February Holbeton Film Club  “Wilding”

17th February – 20th February WIC hall is closed due to having a new floor laid.

22nd February U3A screening of the Importance of being Earnest

25th February WI Craft Group meet at WIC hall 2.00-4.00pm. We will be doing patchwork with Annette .

25th February – Yealm Garden Society 7:30pm start WI Hall Newton Ferrers. The speaker is Julia Tremlitt from The National Garden Scheme

27th February Thursday Lunch Club. 12.15 Newton & Noss village Hall. Please contact mrandmrsbarnett@gmail.com Allergies can be catered for, also vegetarian option available. New members welcome.

28th February Yealm Parchment Group restart in the WIC hall 2.00-4.00pm

Parchment craft, also known as Pergamano, is the art of embellishing and decorating parchment paper (or vellum paper) techniques such as embossing, perforating, stippling, cutting and coloring.

Parchment craft is thought to have originated as an art form in Europe during the 15th century, principally in Catholic communities, where crafts persons created lace-like items such as devotional pictures and communion cards.

The craft has developed over time, with new techniques and refinements being added. Contact Lesley for details 07838375449    cost includes pattern, tuition, backing papers, etc. £8.00 pp